Thursday, June 01, 2006
The other side of the coin

Thursday, May 04, 2006
Confusion about profits

One of the most frequent objections I noted to spyware/adware is that the intruding software collects data which may be private and confidential and that this may then be used by some unknown party to earn a profit!
What I find strange about this attitude is that it seems to imply that if the person using the information were not using it to make a profit it might not be sooo bad, perhaps even acceptable.
There is a prejudice rampant in the eyes of many people that equates profit with something evil. I cannot accept this and I don't believe that anybody who has ever thought about it very much would stick with that attitude. Yes, there may be greedy people who seek to make unreasonable profits, and there are too many people who seek to make profits using illegal, immoral or unethical means to do so, but that does not make profits, nor the wish to earn them bad.
In fact, if we look at the way history has developed, a very great amount of the progress which we have enjoyed over the time we have been civilized has beed due to people who have sought to make a profit by providing some kind of product or service which other people wanted, and the lure of profits was the incentive which gave many entrepreneurs the spark they needed to invent or provide new and better solutions to old problems.
Returning to the issue of adware/spyware, I agree that much of

Friday, March 03, 2006
To pee or not to pee. That is the paradox of parsley
This is, at the very least, an annoyance, and in the worst of cases symptomatic of some serious problems.
I don't know where I first learned about this, but I've tried it, and I find that if I brew up about a liter of the tea and keep it in the fridge, drinking about 2 wine glasses of this a day, my need to get up in the night, is at least cut down by half, and I can often pass an entire night without making those little excursions.
The flavor is not particularly disagreeable, and you may even find it pleasant once you get used to it.
Parsley, in different forms has various other health benefits, but this use alone puts it near the top of my list of favorite vegetables.
Microsoft Giving away Pendrives
As a reward for responding to a questionaire concerning licencing of Windows by corporate users, Microsoft is giving away a pendrive with supposedly "useful information" recorded on it. If you'd like to respond to the survey use this link: Mystery Solved See the icon on the right side of the screen. Oh, you must be a US resident to qualify.
Monday, February 27, 2006
Naturally Ridiculous - 100%
For quite some time I've been ruminating about why we have become so fixated on things which are "natural".

Yesterday, at the Music Festival in Viña del Mar in Chile, Tonka Tomicic was selected as the festival's queen on a platform of being a 100% Natural Model.
Now, I'm not in the least bit criticising her, and even find what I've seen of her personality most appealing but 100% Natural is ridiculous!
Like almost all uses of this phrase that we see today, it is liberally interpreted to apply to the subject in the way which the promoter finds convenient, but other aspects are completely ignored or considered irrelevant.
However attractive and delightful this woman is I would not be the least bit surprized if she had had orthodontic work done sometime in her life, if she had died, tinted or colored her hair (it certainly was cut by someone), had depilated her body, and either performed or been subjected to any number of processes or practices in her lifetime that are anything but "natural" in the purest sense of the word.
In fact, I'd dare to guess that if any person, man or woman, were to be presented to the public who was truely and completly natural in every possible way the result would not be pleasing at all.
The other day I noticed on a packge of peanuts and raisins the sticker "Oil-free, 100% Natural" and had to ask myself, what is natural about finding salt on raisins and peanuts wrapped in a plastic container?
Why are natural shampoos supposedly better? In nature, cavemen washed their hair with nothing more than water -- if they washed it at all!
I think we can find in our daily lives many examples of things, from foods to medicines and various practices where not only do we prefer a man-modified version but might even find that the result we desire from it is better in the artificial, synthetic version that the natural one.
Why have we fixated on this idea that anything man-made is less desireable than what is found in nature?
In practice, I think that many combinations of man-made and natural things end up producing the most desired and attractive result. Man has a capacity to "improve" on what nature provides. Sometimes, perhaps too often, he errs or doesn't notice his incomplete understanding of some natural phenomena, but that doesn't mean that it is better to drop everything that he has done and return to a natural state.
We have the capability to learn from our mistakes, so if we discover some instance where a natural version seems better than a fabricated one, let's use that as a opportunity to learn more about what we might improve on, instead of rejecting the natural intelligence which we have been given.
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Half a Century Old -- Almost!

That didn't bother me much since Mickey had been around before I was born, but now I've been given a jolt by realizing that another icon from my life is nearing it's 50th anniversary.
The icon I'm referring to is the VISA CARD which I've been using almost since it's beginnings, except that when I was first introduced to it I knew it as CHARGEX.
The event that brought this fact to my realization happened just a few days ago. I had parked on a public street in Pucon, Chile and had to pay for my parking fee when I discovered I had no change and the parking attendant only received CASH.

Well, that habit has continued even as I wander around in places like Chile where almost everything can be purchased using a credit card, but this one event started me thinking ....
Here I am, using a payment system almost all of my adult life -- nearly 50 years -- and yet today in places like Chile (and I'm sure many other countries) there are adults who have never had a credit card. In fact, I know many people in this country that don't even have a bank account!
What's the point? Simply this: there are many areas of our lives that we take for granted and consider totally normal, but if we were to step back and look around us we might be surprisedd to learn that what is sooooo normal for us, is not necessarily normal for others.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
More escapes from reality
Recently I wrote a blog entry in which I wondered how the world would be affected if the escapist nature of tourism were refocused.
In further thinking about this theme, it is easy to see that the tourist trade isn't the only area where tremendous time, energy, and money is directed toward escaping from a dreary reality.
One might easily say that most entertainment, spectator sports, the movie industry, much of television, radio, the music business, a great deal of magazine, newspaper and book publishing activities are all offering to differing degrees different ways of escaping from a daily routine.
Now I can imagine someone bringing up the old refrain "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy," but I think it is a pretty poor justification for not attempting to consider the possibility of trying to turn a substantial portion of our diversions into efforts which will do more than simply distract our attention for a few moments from a reality which we don't find agreeable.
Play, at one time, was used as a way of instructing children (and possibly others) skills and lessons which would serve them in the future. There still are some games around that intend to do this, but I believe that probably the majority of the toys, games and diversions which are sold and used today don't even pretend to begin to consider what, if any, educational value they might be to the user or participant.
Many of the professional, spectator sports that exist today, have their roots in activities that were originally used for training soldiers and keeping them in good condition, but what value does a spectator gain? The answer to this is one of the principal reasons why Gadafhi chose to ban spectator sports in Libya. (I'm not necessarily endorsing all of Gadafhi's ideas, but this is one which might be worth thinking about.)
If we were to examine the history of art, music and literature I'm sure we'd discover that many of the great inspirational classics were created (or at least became classics) because they gave the observer, listener or reader something more than just a brief period in which they might forget about their dreary lives. How much of what is produced and popularized through radio, television, motion pictures, magazines, etc today, have any residual value except for wrapping fish?
When one starts to add up the millions of people who work directly and indirectly in activities which might be considered diversionary, and all the resources which are consumed every second of every day to produce something which has absolutely no lasting value to anyone the numbers would be overwhelming.
As I stated when I was wondering about tourism, I'm not judging anyone who is participating in any aspect of these activities as being bad or even with evil intentions. But when one takes into account how much of the time effort and energy used in the world is directed toward useless ends, it becomes difficult to even begin to imagine how much to world would improve if even a significant fraction were redirected toward ends which would help better everyone.
Here are just a few hastily-thought-of suggestions of how the satus quo might be improved:
- Every animated cartoon were created with the idea of educating the audience with something useful
- Every songwriter chose to leave his listener with some attitude, information or skill which would help them live a better life.
- Every person who attended a sporting event as a spectator were required to participate in some physical activity as part of their entrance fee.
- Every paperback novel and magazine article introduced a new term, or useful idea to the reader.
Of course I'm dreaming if I believed that this would become a reality in my lifetime, but, in the meantime by raising these thoughts, perhaps I might encourage a few individuals to look at their own lives and activities and perhaps start asking themselves: "How can I change what I do to either improve myself, or improve things for others?"
Monday, February 13, 2006
The dark side of light
If you were to set out the requirements for a perfect scam, I think you'd come up with something like:
- Must be easy to find victims -- almost anyone could be one.
- The victim would not know they'd been scammed and,
- If a scam were suspected, the victim wouldn't come after you.
If these were your requirements, I think I've discovered an ideal candidate for you, except that it's already being run: Long life light bulbs That link, by the way isn't the scam, it's simply to inform you about the product which is being used.
Why is this such a good candidate for a scam?
- Almost everyone uses light bulbs.
- The cost is relatively low, even though the Long Life Economic Light bulbs cost at least 5 or 6 times a normal light bulb.
- The projected life span of 3000 to 6000 hours or more is such a long time span that it is almost unlikely that anyone would track their usage.
- If someone did discover that there was a shorfall in the life span, the actual value which might be recovered is so little that for all the time an effort required the victim wouldn't be likely to even attempt to make a claim.
I happened to stumble across this because I recently moved into a new house and installed several of these low cost long life bulbs. Because there was a large surface at the base of the bulb I noted the date of installation.
Two of these bulbs (different economic brands "Eco Light" and "Ecolite" )went into an area which were used a maximum of one hour daily.
The first was rated at 3,000 hours life and by my estimates received no more than 330 hours of use before it needed to be replaced. The second, was rated at 3 years life and need to be replaced after 7 months.
I have another bulb, a Westinghouse bulb, which is rated at 6000 hours life which is still operating, but at 1 hour useage a day, it will be more than 16 years before I know whether or not it has lived up to it's rating. Chances are that even if I live that long, I'm still not going to have the original proof of purchase which may be required in order to request a refund.
Although the first two bulbs obviously didn't live up to their claimed ratings, the one which lasted 330 hours would have only needed to operate a few more than 400 hours for it to work out as being more economical than the standard 60 watt bulb it replaced if you take into account it's higher initial cost together with the 15 watt power consumption it had.
So, perhaps these long life bulbs are still a better value than their counterparts which they replace, but it seems that the low cost, unknown brand varieties are certainly not living up to the claims which they make on their labeling.
Whether the big reputable brands like GE, Philips, and Westinghouse will fare any better is still in doubt to me, and since their initial cost seems to be about 3 or 4 times more than the cheaper versions, it still seems risky to believe that they will result in any substantial savings to the user.
So, if you're going to try these long life low power bulbs, be forewarned that you might not get what you are expecting.
Saturday, February 04, 2006
A really dumb promotion
I've been involved with marketing and promotional efforts for many years but I've yet to see a stranger, non-sensical kind of promotion than that being used by the vitamin brand of GNC .
There are two types of loyalty programs in broad use, one which rewards loyal and frequent customers with prizes or benefits (like frequent-flyer programs) and the second which aims at increasing a customer's use of a product or service regardless of their prior history.
It's really difficult to understand what GNC is attempting to achieve with their Gold Card program which, in short has the following characteristics:
- You must pay $15.00 a year for the card.
- It can be used ONLY during certain days of the month.
The US version allows the first 7 days. A Chilean version is more restrictive and convoluted: it permits just the first Monday, Tuesday or Wednesay of each month. - The benefits are subject to change at any time.
While GNC products are generally perceived as being high quality, they are not bargain priced. In fact, they may be among the higher priced in their category. The card offers holder (initially) a 20% discount.
Simple math shows that a person must spend at least $75 to simply break-even BUT what happens if they need a product which GNC sells a day before or after the limited time span which the card provides the discount?
Chances are, that a client, who might have every intention of purchasing their brand, would be annoyed at not being able to get the expected discount unless they were willing to wait till the following month. Would they buy the GNC product anyway, or would they wait til the next month?
My guess is not. I'd expect that a significant number of consumers would be inclined to see if they could find an alternative product at a lower price and might even vow to NEVER use the GNC brand again.
A good incentive program needs to be simple for the customer to use unless there is some kind of exclusive, highly desirable benefit that a client is prepared to suffer some inconvenience to obtain.
GNC's card program seems to fall short and, in my view, runs the danger of actually costing them more in lost sales than they might gain from those who don't mind the limtations imposed by it.
Of course, my perceptions might be wholly off base and I'd be delighted to have someone explain to me the benefits which a program such as this can bring both the customer and the company which uses it.
Friday, February 03, 2006
Will we have any privacy left?
Almost everyday it seems I run across a new report or example of ways in which our personal lives are being laid bare to others.
Perhaps some of these intrusions can be justified, but I've yet to be convinced that the end benefits to the individual outweigh the costs to him.
Usually most of the arguments, on closer examination, reveal that the real benefits go to narrow interest groups or, in some cases, other individuals who wish to control other's lives.
The latest example I've seen is a humorous piece (turn on your sound), showing what might happen when you order a pizza. It's funny, but it also scares me to think that to some extent this may already be happening.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
A dream world vs a better reality
tourism, vacation,
A recent blog posting by Michael Phillips on the value of tourism in a local economy has caused me to remember my thoughts about a certain aspect of the tourist trade which I have found disturbing.
From a certain point of view, it seems to me, that, in essence, almost all tourism, the vacation business, the "get-away-from-it-all" type of concept is nothing more than an illusion.
After all, what is a person left with after their dream vacation? They step into a fantasy world for a few hours, days or weeks in which they pretend to live a life they cannot hope to continue living, and in the end return to a dull, dreary, routine, often in debt to pay for their brief fantasy over the next few months or longer.
Now, I wonder if most people wouldn't be better served, wouldn't have much more rewarding lives, if, instead of trying to escape from their drudgery for a couple of weeks a year, they were to invest the same amount of time, energy and enthusiasm into looking for and developing some purpose and meaning in their lives as a whole.
Phillips blog spoke of the economic value in just one local economy. When I imagine the enormous worldwide economic value of tourism, vacation travel, tourist services, financing costs, and every thing else involved, including the enormous number of people who earn their livelihood working in these fields it makes me wonder how different the world might be if all this were directed to improving the human condition, rather than simply attempting to escape from it, or providing an escape.
On a very simplistic level, there may not be much difference between a person running an opium den and a person who provides some tourist service: they are both catering to a weakness of their client and helping them to avoid reality.
I am not judging the people who own or work in tourist-related activities as being bad, and I'm certainly not passing any moral judgment on anyone or their activities, but I am wondering how the world would be different if there were a shift in focus from escapism to a search for meaning and growth.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
What's going to happen in 2006? Predictions
Predictions, 2006, technology, trends
Predicting the future is easy if you don't care about people coming back and telling you where you were wrong. But, if you put any thought into your predictions, based on a careful review and a good understanding of what's happening, it can be useful to look ahead -- even if you're wrong.
I came across a web page which has some ideas that seem to be perceptive and interesting about:
Broadband penetration
Implications of increased broadband
Voice Over IP
VideoVideo over IP
Growth and Scalability
Implications of Growth
Blogging, podcasting, vidcasting
Internet server Crash
Issues about Trust
Take a look at: 2006 Predictions. If you're interested in the developements in the world of technology you'll find this fascinating
Free University Education
Education, university,
distance-learning, MIT,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Did you know that anyone can get a university education free?
MIT has put on line 1,250 courses in the following fields:
Aeronautics and Astronautics
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They call their offer OpenCourseWare and describe it as a free and open educational resource for faculty, students, and self-learners around the world.
OCW is a publication of MIT course materials, it does not require any registration, is not a degree-granting or certificate-granting activity nor does it provide access to MIT faculty. It does, however, give anyone the opportunity to audit any of the courses offered and be guided, the same as a registered enrolled student in those courses.
Use this link to learn more about MIT OpenCourse Ware ...
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Complaining Effectively
Recently I've been spending a lot of time talking about poor customer service and expressing the idea that it is important to complain when things are not as good as you'd like them to be.
Often we don't like to complain because it makes us look bad, or cranky, or it may produce an unpleasant situation that we'd rather avoid.
In business practice, it is often experienced that unsatisfied customers frequently don't complain, they simply stop doing business with the firm that gave them cause to complain. This creates quite a challenge for those businesses which sincerely want to improve, not only to redress the wrongs that they may have committed that have lost them customers, but also in winning new customers.
So, if you think your complaint, if it is something which a business can control, is not appreciated, think again. If you bring to the attention of the owners or management a fault which is costing them business, they may actually be delighted to receive your complaint.
HOW to Complain
Often, when you have a complaint, it is a situation which you find disturbing and you might actually be angry over something you've experienced. You want to strike out and hit someone. Of course, complaining under these conditions is likely to be unpleasant, but it doesn't need to be.
Try to cool yourself down before making a complaint and see if you can approach the situation in an objective frame of mind. Attempt to separate yourself from the situation so that you see what happened wasn't a deliberate personal attack against you, but rather an unfortunate event which you think the business will be happy to rectify, if you give them a chance.
Put yourself into the shoes of the person you a going to confront and see which approach would make you feel more cooperative:
- "You guys are always trying to rip-off your customers with your shoddy service and inferior products. I'm not going to let you get away with this, I demand that you fix this NOW or I'm going to see that you suffer ..."
or - "I know that you probably didn't intend for this to happen, you seemed to me to be such a helpful and sincere person, but I've ended up with a problem that has left me unhappy with what I bought here yesterday and I'd really appreciate it if you would help me see how we can resolve the situation".
This, of course, is just an example, but the important point is the attitude which you display when you make your complaint known.
I know that I have often spoken or acted in ways which alienate others, so I don't consider myself a saint in this regard, but I do believe that even in some of the most horrible situations I've faced, there might have been better ways of doing them.
In this light, I would like to let you know about a newsletter I've been reading for quite awhile that has always provided me with helpful tips in dealing with people under difficult circumstances. It's called Winning Without Intimidation and it's available without any cost. If you check out the web site I think you will agree with me.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
An unusual Credit Card Error
I found a difference of $2.00
At first I couldn't believe it. I checked my addition several times and then called customer service and spoke with Abby. She ran her own total and agreed that there was a difference of two dollars and immediately told me that she'd issue a credit for the difference AND bring this to the attention of her supervisor. She also agreed to review all the statements I've received in the prior year.
I don't know if the root of this was some kind of internal theft, an error, or what, but my point in posting this is to suggest that it might be worthwhile, at least occasionally to thoroughly review your statements and ask for a clarification if there is anything you don't like or even anything you don't completely understand.
You may discover that everything is all right, but there's also a chance you might find something unusual, just as I did.
I believe that much fraud and identity theft which is so common these days would be nipped in the bud if more people would exercise greater vigilance in their accounts.
If you find any unusual things, or have had special experiences with customer service people in these fields, please comment: I'd be pleased to hear from you.
Monday, January 16, 2006
The abuse of statistics
Would the 3% of blank ballots have been cast for this option?
More importantly, there were possibly another 30% of votes which were supposedly transferred from the candidates who were eliminated from the first round. Conceivably, in this election, the majority of the votes, might have been cast for the option of "None of the Above"
If this were the result, obviously the voters would be telling the politicians in the country that they didn't like any of the choices they had been presented with and they had better come up with a new list.
I realize that even this option, if it were available, would not be a complete solution to all the weaknesses and imperfections which democracy currently has, but the fact that it has never been made available in any election that I've heard of, is one of the reasons why I consider the popular notion about democracy to be an illusion and think that Borges may have been right on the mark.
Saturday, January 14, 2006
The only reason to exist
The discussion which followed the last blog I posted has led me to reflect more about the lack of good customer service which seems to exist in many parts of the world especially in banks, public utilities, and government regulatory agencies.
Why do these entities have such poor service and relations with their clients?
Mostly, I think, it is because the people who work in them, have never, themselves, experienced any better treatment that they dish out and, as such, perhaps don't even know that something better exists.
What I'm saying is that I don't believe that these people are inherently rotten and thus deliver bad service, but that they simply don't know any better.
It's very difficult for a bureaucrat in a government office to realize that the ONLY reason his job exists is that person who is standing in front of him after waiting possibly hours in a line, to have a problem solved. After all, that person HAS TO come to him to get his problem solved, there is no other way to have that problem dealt with, hence he (the bureaucrat) is actually doing this person a favor by having the patience to even listen to their concerns.
Furthermore, he's been doing this all his life and so why should he be worried about that customer being unhappy, no one is going to take his job away for that.
What this bureaucrat does not think about is the possibility that one day his service might become a private company and open to competition, and that his very existance as an employee will depend on whether or not there are enough customers for him to serve. This is what happens in a mature market-driven economy.
It is what is happening now in many countries and industries which are becoming more and more global and where even a local merchant is subject to competition from a competitor who is not only some distance away, but might even be in another country.
The internet, movies and sindicated television programs which are translated and spread around the world give people (read customers) more and more ideas about what good service can be. As more and more people become aware of what they're missing, more and more of these people are going to begin insisting on this in their own lives as customers AND if they work in job where they attend customers, they will have a new modle to follow in their conduct with the clients they attend.
These changes may take a long time to be put into place and become wide spread, but they are happening. I've seen this in Chile where I have been involved with a retail tire sales operation from it's inception a few years ago. Because I came with a different concept of customer service than was common, most of what I instituted was new and it was difficult to train employees to look at their customers as the only reason they had a job.
Now, after several years, it is gratifying to notice that we have set a new standard for service in the area where we operate, but many of the things which we pioneered are now becomming commonly accepted and practiced.
Still, the big institutions seem to be behind in these changes, even though some of them seem to be the leaders in this area. In fact, small businesses can change most rapidly but they tend to follow the lead of the big boys. The big companies have long established traditions and employees with many years of bad habits ingrained which makes them lag in implementing their reforms even though the management may be aware of the need for them.
So, if you work in, run, or own any activity where you must deal with customers (or clients, or "the public") you need to keep in mind one fundamental thought each time you deal with one:
The only reason you exist (as a business, or in a job) is to meet the needs of that client who is facing you in the best way you can.
If you succeed in making that thought a fundamental basis of everything you do, your success in your field will be assured for a long time to come.
Monday, January 09, 2006
Telefónica Móviles: One of the World's Most User UnFriendly Companies
One of the worst I've ever dealt with is now called Movistar owned by Telefónica Móviles. This company hugh -- it claims to be one of the biggest 5 in the world and operates in most of Latin America and many countries in Europe. (If anyone has any experiences --good or bad-- with other celphone companies I'd welcome a comment with details)
Their corporate literature contains the most blatant lies that I have ever seen:
From their web site on Corporate Responsibility they state:
Telefónica Móviles wonts to be a trusted company, not only due to its size and experience, but also due to its nearness to people, showing it has a definite vocation to understand and comprehend their needs, and above all, to be a company able to make commitments and to fulfil them. (Copied directly from web site complete with spelling errors-jf)
Why do I call this company a blatant liar?
When I contracted their services, they were the most friendly and accomodating company that you could imagine (and this would be completely in accordance with the corporate values stated above) , however, when I had occasion to cancel a service which I had contracted with them, the red tape and obstacles which were placed in my way made me feel that in signing a contract with them I had sold myself into perpetual slavery.
When signing up for a service, a sales rep came to my office, prepared all the forms which were needed to be signed, made photocopies on their time and at their expense, delivered equipment ... it short made it almost effortless to become a client.
The service I contracted was for several employees of a firm I administrate and when one person left our employ there was no further reason for our firm to have their service.
In order to stop that service I was required to visit a company office where I had to take a number and wait nearly an hour to be served. Then the customer service rep. took another 20 minutes to get the necessary records so that she could then inform me that I had to write a letter renouncing the service and then wait until the end of the billing cycle until the service was effectively stopped. It wasn't enought that I was physically present in their office with the equipment in my hand ready to return it. The service would not be terminated until I provided a written request.
This was not all, however. Afterwards, I received no less than 3 additional calles from different representatives, attempting to convince me to continue with the service.
Somewhat later in the year the remaining employees decided that they wished to change the equipment they were using and made the necessary arrangements on their own without any knowledge or participation on my part.
Now, when we were faced with the need to separate this service from our firm, Movistar, informs me that the change in equipment, which was made without my knowledge or consent, obligated the firm to a minimum of 18 months additional service and now, if we wish to terminate the service, they will charge us rental for each of the incompleted months.
In short, in order to terminate any service, they require a written request from me, however, they do not require any written authorization to put into effect something that will increase our obligation to them.
I have the understanding that Movistar is not the only cellular phone company in Chile which is user "unfriendly", but it is the only one which I can cite from specific experience. From what I see, all companies spend enormous amounts on advertising promoting new and varied ways for you to spend your money, and they make it extremely easy to make these expenditures, but if you ever have a problem, or make a mistake, heaven help you.
Chile is reputed, among other LatinAmerican countries, as being one of the easiest and least bureaucratic countries to do business in, so I can only shudder to think about what kind of conditions consumers in other countries might face.
My point in writing this is to encourage readers, especially in Latin America, to read the fine print and ask a lot of "what if" questions when signing up for any kind of on going service. In North America, many services are regulated and controled by laws which tend to be friendly to consumers, but most of these laws have come into being because of abuses to which consumers were subjected.
So beware ... the next contract you sign may not have all the protection you might expect.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Are you willing to stand up and be counted?
Not that I've been particularly mute on the topic, but I've never made a declaration for all to see, as I have now.
I've decided to make it know to all who care about it, that I consider myself to be a World Citizen and, surprizingly to me, I agree with most of the principles which are described in the article: World citizen in Wikipedia.
Since the purpose of this blog is to publish thoughts to stimulate thinking, I'd encourage everyone who reads this to click on the Wikipedia link and explore the idea more.
I know that there are many people who don't, or won't, agree with me, but my objective is not to seek agreement, but rather to encouage you to think about these topics and to come to your own conclusions based on what you've discovered through your own experience and analysis, instead of just parroting ideas (such as patriotism, loyalty, nationalism, citizenship, etc.) which have been hammered into your consciousness ever since you were born.
After careful examination and thought you may decide to continue to believe in some of the things which you have been taught. If this is because you have examined the issues carefully I'd encourage you to keep those beliefs, but if you've never examined them, how do you know that they're right for you?
Friday, January 06, 2006
Am I being taken for a ride?
Traditional medicine doesn't offer me any hope. Specialists tell me that I have a degenerated spine and that all I can do is accept the fact, take pain killers to control my discomfort and learn to live with the condition. Maybe there are some people who would accept this diagnosis and not try anything else, but to me that is about the same as rolling over and waiting for the grim reaper to make his appearance.
So, I've been receiving osteopathic treatments, bee stings, acupuncture and other non traditional procedures which seem to have aided. Now, I've been subjected to a new therapy in the quest to deal with my chronic back pain.
In simple terms, I was given a foot bath in a saline solution which had a low voltage electrical current running through it.
In 1/2 hour the color of the water changed from crystal clear to the color of dark apple juice, or strong urine.
Apparently this treatment is supposed to remove toxins from one's body through a dialysis process via the feet.
So far I can't claim any great benefits or noticable changes in my body, or health. All I did notice, and it was impressive was the change in color of the water.
Some people have reported considerable benefit from this. I am still somewhat skeptical, but if you're curious to learn more about the process you can find it described on the following web page:
Detox Online - How it Works - The Truth:.
How is this supposed to help my back. The theory is this:
My back is a reflection of problems in other part of my body because of the nerve endings in my spine. Pain there is a symptom of other problems.
The detoxification through my feet is supposed to help remove toxic waste which had accumulated in my body, including a quantity of heavy metals. As these toxins are removed other organs will recover and the pain which is being transmitted to my back will diminish and eventually disappear.
Why would I believe this? Well so far, other things, recommened by my Naturopath, such as bee-stings have helped, so I'm inclined to give this a try because he recommends it. Will it work? Only time and experience will tell but I'd rather try this instead of pumping my body full of drugs some of which may have disasterous side affects in spite of their having been "approved" by the FDA or other regulatory agencies which are supposed to look out for our well being but which seem to only help big pharmaceutical firms line their pockets.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Punning in Spanish
As far as I know puns are not as common in Spanish as they are in English. If anyone can provide evidence that I'm mistaken, I'd like to be corrected.
Since I am an inveterate punster I frequently find myself playing with Spanish words in a way that few hispanics seem to appreciate. Recently we had a scam in the area where people were sucked into purchasing tins of Nescafe which when the buyers opened them, they discovered they were filled with sawdust, which is not coffee, or in Spanish "No es cafe". This led me to invent the following lable which could have turned the scam product into something legitimate.

Parody of Nescafe
This is my creation, I grant anyone the right to reproduce this on the internet as long as there is a link back to this blog.